1, timid, looking at the disk for a day, the index judged our high position, broke through the low point and did not kick down.6. If you think it's going up, then you should go up and do more. If you think it's going down, the varieties you make money must be thrown high.In front of me, I held some two-tier military industrial leaders unchanged, and I also kept the domestic operating system on the first floor unchanged. Seventy percent of the overall capital positions in my other positions were constantly switched in a flexible way.
Although there is news coming from outside, your turnover today is only a little less than yesterday, which is not very desirable. It is all the behavior of retail investors.Third, the directionCall 3464 directly, and I think the counter-pumping in these two days is a self-help behavior of falling relay funds.
This is my way of coping with myself,1, timid, looking at the disk for a day, the index judged our high position, broke through the low point and did not kick down.In front of me, I held some two-tier military industrial leaders unchanged, and I also kept the domestic operating system on the first floor unchanged. Seventy percent of the overall capital positions in my other positions were constantly switched in a flexible way.
Strategy guide
Strategy guide
Strategy guide
Strategy guide 12-13